With your help, we have been able to

Meets the basic need of the Poor, Widows, Orphan, Homeless & Less Privileged in our Community.

African Hope International Alliance (AHIA) was founded on the simple idea that only the finest, passionate, loving and caring individuals can solve the problem that plaques our community.

We are a unique association of individuals with diver’s professionals, religion and multicultural background with one major goal in mind—PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE, MEETING THE BASIC NEED OF THE POOR, WIDOWS, ORPHAN, HOMELESS AND THE LESS PRIVILEDGED IN AFRICAN COMMUNITY.

Make a donation

To learn more about make donate charity with us visit our “Contact us” site. By calling +1-832-402-0733.


At African Hope Alliance Int'L

We are schedule with the task to eradicate poverty, economical backwardness in our community, Prepare, empower and educate our community during disaster, the finest and the best of our community regardless of race, gender and ethnicity, religion and denomination worldwide will have to come together and rebuild our community one Village at a time.

We are motivated Regardless of your Religion or Faith God has made room for everyone is needs and that we all have a joint responsibility to become effective linkages between the less privileged and minorities among us and God’s provision for their needs “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” James 1:27 (NIV).

“It is no longer about handouts. It’s not about guilt or charity. It’s about safety and justice, it’s about compassion, it’s about change, it is about saving life and protecting property, it is about Legacy, and it is about People Helping People.” -Pastor Moses O. Adedipe

Our Community of Volunteers

African Hope Alliance International (AHAI) community of global volunteers comes together to fight poverty through the following programs: Vision, Dental, Medical, and Basic Needs Starting from United State of America, to Nigeria, Uganda, Ghana and other African Countries.

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We’ve funded 20 Community Projects for
over 20,000 family around the Africa and the US.

Become a Volunteer

Hope Alliance International community of global volunteers comes together to fight poverty through the following programs: Vision, Dental, Medical, and Basic Needs Starting from United State of America, to Nigeria, Uganda, Ghana and other African Countries.

    Our Events

    It is no longer about handouts. It's not about guilt or charity. It's about safety and justice, it's about compassion, it's about change, it is about saving life and protecting property, it is about Legacy, and it is about People Helping People.

    African Community Covid-19 Vaccination Awareness Day/Seminar
    African Community Covid-19 Vaccination Awareness Day/Seminar

    As a challenging 2020 comes to an end, and now

    Learn More

    Trusted by the biggest Partners.

    To accomplish our goal, we partner with local, International organizations and professionals to ensure our programs are beneficial to people in need. 

    From the Journal

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